Soft & Hard Tube for Natural Casings

The Pros and Cons of Soft and hard Tube natural Casings: A comparison of the Two types of Natural Casings for Sausage Making Soft Tube Natural Casings Pros: • Soft tube natural casings are easy to use and require minimal preparation. • They are more flexible than hard tube casings, making them ideal for stuffing…

The Pros and Cons of Soft and hard Tube natural Casings: A comparison of the Two types of Natural Casings for Sausage Making

Soft Tube Natural Casings


• Soft tube natural casings are easy to use and require minimal preparation.

• They are more flexible than hard tube casings, making them ideal for stuffing sausages with a variety of fillings.

• Soft tube casings are more permeable than hard tube casings, allowing for better smoke penetration and flavor.

• They are less expensive than hard tube casings.


• Soft tube casings are more prone to tearing and bursting during the cooking process.

• They are more difficult to tie off than hard tube casings.

• Soft tube casings are more prone to drying out and becoming brittle.

Hard Tube Natural Casings


• Hard tube natural casings are more durable than soft tube casings, making them less likely to tear or burst during the cooking process.

• They are easier to tie off than soft tube casings.

• Hard tube casings are less prone to drying out and becoming brittle.

• They are more expensive than soft tube casings.


• Hard tube casings require more preparation and are more difficult to use than soft tube casings.

oil Tube chinese high-grade wholesaler,casing Pipe china good Company,• They are less flexible than soft tube casings, making them less ideal for stuffing sausages with a variety of fillings.

          Calculated mass c
    Nominal linear Mass T& C b,c Wall Thick- ness       em, Mass Gain or Loss Due to End Finishing d
Labels a Outside diameter     inside Diameter Drift Diameter Plain- end kg
              round Thread Buttress Thread
  D kg/m t D mm kg/m Short Long RC SCC
  mm   mm mm            
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
10 3/4 32.75 273.05 48.74 7.09 258.9 254.91 46.5 13.94 — 15.38 — 3.03
10 3/4 40.5 273.05 60.27 8.89 255.3 251.31 57.91 11.91 14.21 1.86
10 3/4 45.5 273.05 67.71 10.16 252.7 250.82 e 248.77 246.23 246.33 65.87 11 14.21 1.86
10 3/4 45.5 273.05 67.71 10.16 252.7 244.48 e 65.87 11 13.05 0.7
10 3/4 51 273.05 75.9 11.43 250.2 244.48 e 243.94 243.94 241.40 241.40 238.86 238.86 234.95 231.80 228.60 73.75 10.11 13.05 0.7
10 3/4 51 273.05 75.9 11.43 250.2   73.75 10.16 f 12.25 –0.09
10 3/4 55.5 273.05 82.59 12.57 247.9   80.75 9.3 12.01 –0.34
10 3/4 55.5 273.05 82.59 12.57 247.9   80.75 9.35 f 12.25 –0.09
10 3/4 55.5 273.05 82.59 12.57 247.9   80.75 9.3 12.01 –0.34
10 3/4 55.5 273.05 82.59 12.57 247.9   80.75 9.35 f 11.07
10 3/4 60.7 273.05 90.33 13.84 245.4   88.47 8.42 10.87
10 3/4 60.7 273.05 90.33 13.84 245.4   88.47 8.47 f 9.98
10 3/4 65.7 273.05 97.77 15.11 242.8   96.12 7.54 9.74
10 3/4 65.7 273.05 97.77 15.11 242.8   96.12 7.60 f
10 3/4 73.2 273.05 108.93 17.07 238.9   107.76
10 3/4 79.2 273.05 117.86 18.64 235.8   116.95
10 3/4 85.3 273.05 126.94 20.24 232.6   126.19    
11 3/4 42 298.45 62.5 8.46 281.5 279.40 e 277.50 275.44 272.39 62.56 13.27
11 3/4 42 298.45 62.5 8.46 281.5 269.88 e 62.56 13.27 — 16.04
11 3/4 47 298.45 69.94 9.52 279.41 269.88 e 67.83 12.42 14.5
11 3/4 54 298.45 80.36 11.05 276.4 269.65 78.32 11.23 13.12
11 3/4 60 298.45 89.29 12.42 273.6 269.65 e 87.61 10.17 13.12
11 3/4 60 298.45 89.29 12.42 273.6 269.88 e 267.36 264.92 87.61 9.77 f 13.12
11 3/4 60 298.45 89.29 12.42 273.6   87.61 10.17 13.12
11 3/4 60 298.45 89.29 12.42 273.6   87.61 9.77 f
11 3/4 65 298.45 96.73 13.56 271.3   95.27
11 3/4 65 298.45 96.73 13.56 271.3   95.27
11 3/4 71 298.45 105.66 14.78 268.9   103.4  

• Hard tube casings are less permeable than soft tube casings, resulting in less smoke penetration and flavor.

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